Well, we’re on our way. For the first time we were ready ahead of time. Usually we leave right after Thanksgiving, but because of my shoulder surgery and the physical therapy, we left almost three weeks later. The nice thing was that I had time to look after lifting my plants and preparing Thanksgiving dinner, and THEN start packing. Of course we have already thought of things we forgot. They weren’t on my list.

I probably have OCD to a certain degree. I make a list of everything in each tub, each of which is numbered. Then I use the list to pack when we return, as well to guide me next year. To me, this is like the sayings – why reinvent the wheel and 2) If it’s not broken why fix it! I also have pages 1) Things to bring next year which I haven’t other years 2) Things NOT to bring another year 3) Things left in Arizona.

I always have concerns when we leave for the winter. Will someone get sick, and need me? What if one of us gets sick ? The family will remember what it was like when Mom got sick in Florida. Of course I worry about my sister Virginia who is not well. Let’s face it, I am a worrier!

I also will really miss the family, especially my four granddaughters. I have so much fun with them. They have so many hugs. They are so funny. They each have a unique sense of humour. They also ask me from time to time questions about serious things and really want to understand how I look at issues. There is so much love in their eyes when they see me, I just melt inside!

But I know I need this time to unwind, and restore. Because of my shoulder surgery, my past seven months have been really strange, and wearing. I am not used to not bouncing back quickly and have taken it as a personal insult! I hope to get back on track this next five months. Besides there is such a thing as FaceTime!

We got away at 8 this morning. When we got to U.S. customs, we were through in about two minutes.  …. “Where are you going? When will you come back? Any fruit and vegetables? Any alcohol or tobacco? Have a good day! ” This was sure better than my nightmare of them taking the SUV apart, opening every tub, refusing to check the list and leaving everything on the ground! When I woke up I was tempted not to go!

It was cloudy when we left, and we went thrrough cloud, rain and sun! We drove south on #81 and then west on I-90 across New york State Pennsylvania and entered Ohio, and then # 271 which rings around Cleveland then south on I-71. We have stopped at a Red Roof Inn in Medina. They don’t charge for pets!

Samson is amazing – once we got him in the pet carrier! He must have sensed something was up. This morning when Lloyd called him, he wouldn’t come -not even for treats! Usually he comes the minute he is called. So Lloyd had to go pick him up! But once he was in the cage, not a single peep. We stopped for lunch around noon, and let him free to roam around inside while we were eating . He eats a bit of hard food, uses the litter box and is ready to go back in. He will be well rested when we get to AZ.

Driving was pretty good today. Only a couple of little issues. We stopped shortly after 4. I drove for most of the time, but Lloyd drove a bit in the middle.

Wonder where we will end up by Friday night?











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